Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Environmental Pharmacology 17th Mrach 2003

NATIONAL SEMINAR ON" ENVIRONMENTAL PHARMACOLOGY" was organized by the Department of Pharmacology & Clinical Research MGM Medical College & Hospital affiliated to MGM university of Health Sciences Navi Mumbai on 17th March 2007.

The seminar was conceptualized by Prof. Dr.Sudhir Dagaonkar head department. Prof. Dr. Sudhir Kadam M.D. MRCP Director of the Institute inaugurated the seminar. He advised the Medical fraternity to take an active interest in the provisions for safe disposal of biological waste containing drugs as such or as metabolites.
Prof.Dr.Y.K.Gupta Prof, Head Pharmacology AIIMS New Delhi delivered keynote address, Prof.Dr.Jaising Phadtare Hon Prof. Chest Medicine was the guest speaker. Dr. Himanshu Tayade provided a detailed account of the horror story of the uses of synthetic colors in pharmaceutical preparations as compared to the natural colors.
Dr.Sudhir Dagaonkar introduced the subject. He said that today detectable levels of pharmaceuticals preparations either as parent drug or metabolite are found in the food stuffs, water both rivers as well as sea and in the no vegetarian items. Although the levels are not toxic in single exposure but low dose chronic toxicity is anticipated. There are few models to study these effects under the purview of the discipline of Pharmacology - what is described as Toxicoknietics & dynamics.
Dr. Y.K. Gupta explained the impending dangers for a healthy society on the account of careless disposal of human excreta from hospitals as well as from other sources.
Dr.Tyade gave an account of pediatric preparations with synthetic colors as well statistics of the ADR's on this account.
Prof. Dr. Phadtare discussed the impact of environmental pollution on the Respiratory therapeutics. He commented on the changing pharmacokinetics of antiasthamatic drugs such as Theophylline in Pediatric patients with Bronchial asthma."
It was decided to form a working group to take the message further for making recommendations to the appropriate authorities as well as get in touch with international groups working in this field.

Contact Person
Prof.Dr.Sudhir Dagaonkar
Prof. Dr. Y.K. Gupta